You know Daniel Quinn´s "The story of B"?
In one chapter he uses a metaphor: "If you drop a frog in a pot of boiling water, it will of course frantically try to clamber out. But if you place it gently in a pot of tepid water and turn the heat on low, it will float there quite placidly. As the water gradually heats up, the frog will sink into a tranquil stupor, exactly like one of us in a hot bath, and before long, with a smile on its face, it will unresistingly allow itself to be boiled to death."
This describes well the technique used by the EU bureaucrats to legislate. The EU is totally captured by the globalist elites. Democracy is only an empty word used for propaganda, an illusion for the 500 million Europeans who still think that they have a saying in what happens.
It means nothing. Nowhere in the western world, national sovereignty and the democratic process have been slowly but irreversibly eroded and sterilized like in today's´ EUSSR, by corrupted bureaucrats paid and fed by the WEF globalist elites. We are the frogs being boiled. Our long-standing basic rights, our freedoms, our national identities and what is left of the representative democracy have been dismantled piece by piece.
The latest piece was a June 2023 proposal to change the EU treaties and introduce a number of modifications such as the abolition of veto powers, more EU powers in health, energy, defense, and social and economic policies including foreign, security and defense policy, as well as the creation of a military force responding directly to the EU governing body and not the Parliament.
To fully understand what this means in simple terms, the European Commission (the governing body of the EU) will be renamed the "European Executive" and the EU Parliament will only appoint its President (currently the corrupted puppet Ursula “Von der Lies”) who will then pick and choose all the other members of the Executive. Basically a number of unelected puppet bureaucrats who will dictate what you can and cannot do. The Executive will also have a military force subject to its direct command. In short, the new European Executive can pick and choose its members, can make laws and can enforce them with its own military force. Thus, the centralisation of these three powers in the hands of the EU Commission, would transform the EU governing body into an oligarchic-totalitarian entity fed by parasitic globalist elites (the likes of Soros and Co) with its own armed enforcers.
All that was approved on 25 October 2023.
Because that was not enough to ensure the total control of the populations, they also managed to push for the approval of the dystopian ID digital wallet. Basically, a "basket" containing all your future digitalized personal documentation (ID, driving license, health pass, professional qualifications, etc). This will also be the container for the future Euro CBDC and a social credit system similar to the Chinese one.
If you read the above press releases, it all seems rather harmless, even a benign and necessary step forward to allow the EU citizens to benefit more from the increasingly modern and digitalized EU economy.
Make no mistake, it is not.
This is the final nail in the coffin of your long-cherished liberties and basic rights. It will all be taken away from you with a click.
You are the frog being boiled. To paraphrase another useless and corrupted EU bureaucratic parasite with terminal delusions of grandeur, "you may soon fall asleep in the European Garden of Eden"... only to then wake up abruptly in the new European Orwellian nightmare.
The large majority of people do not understand what is happening. They are bamboozled and hypnotized by the relentless mainstream narrative spread of the moment. The deadly virus, the evil Russians, the "beheading" of Israeli babies. Conveniently so, for they do not pay attention to their pockets being picked and their rights being taken away. So forget about a change of direction, forget about protests and opposition. Unless the EU implodes from within, which is still a possibility given the trend of the Euro-fuckery, they will be able to carry forward their plan.
So what should you do to protect yourself and your wealth before it is too late? How should you prepare?
I will tell you how I have prepared myself and my family in the last 2/3 years since it became very apparent to me what was coming:
- The most important thing is your financial freedom, and the instrument for achieving that is Bitcoin. It is the sole bearer digital asset that is being rapidly monetized, which is censorship-resistant and totally decentralized and which can transfer value peer to peer with immediate finality and no intermediaries. Take small steps, but start allocating a portion of your savings to bitcoin. If all goes to shit, only 5% or 10% of your wealth allocated to Bitcoin will increase exponentially in value enough to compensate the fall of the rest. Think of it as an insurance policy against monetary collapse. More importantly, you should always store your bitcoin in your own wallet and self-custody your private keys. No ETF, no financial products or derivatives of bitcoin. Better use a hardware wallet and keep multiple backups of the seed in multiple locations, possibly secured with a singlesig-passphrase kept on a different location of the seed. Alternatively, you can opt for multisig.
It sounds complicated, but you will learn. Take your time and ask a friend bitcoiner to mentor you. Otherwise, you will find plenty of information online to get started.
- Allocate a smaller portion to Monero as well. It is not Bitcoin in terms of fixed monetary supply and absolute scarcity - so do not use it as a store of value - but it may come in handy because of its strong privacy properties. Here you will find a lot of information to get started.
- Allocate a portion of your wealth to some other hard assets, such as gold or real estate even though such assets can be sized or taxed. Possibly do that outside of the EU to reduce the risk that the rapacious EUSSR nomenklatura will get it.
- Prepare in advance your escape route from Europe. Get an official residence status somewhere outside the EU. Prefer those countries that can grant you citizenship and a brand-new passport after a few years of residency. Latin America offers many opportunities.
- Allocate your cash to other currencies. Open accounts at banks outside the EU in CHF and US$. Though CHF and US$ are not good either as inflation hedges - that's why you have bitcoin and hard assets - the Euro remains the worst of all. This is very important because sooner or later capital controls will come and then you will not be able to move your funds. So you will have to do that before everyone else thinks of doing the same. Also diversify geographically. Do not put all the eggs in one nest.
- Finally, a tip on social media: forget about it. Personally, I do not use any. No facebook, no twitter, no nothing. I only use this substack account for writing articles and NOSTR to post notes. NOSTR is a censorship resistant network made of decentralized routers/servers that store your messages. NOSTR is for communications, what Bitcoin is for money. So, join the peaceful revolution, and you will find me there
Clearly, all the above steps have important legal and tax implications that vary from person to person and must be properly addressed with a qualified professional before proceeding.
So, democratically vote with your feet and give them the middle finger. All you need to leave and take your wealth with you is bitcoin.
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